01. Banyak minum air putih
02. Sarapan seperti raja, makan siang seperti pangeran, makan malam seperti pengemis
03. Hidup dengan tiga E :Energy,Enthusiasm and Empathy.
04. Selalu beribadah
05. Luangkan waktu untuk bermain/ santai
06. Lebih banyak membaca buku
07. Merenung paling 10 menit tiap hari
08. Tidur 7 jam per hari
09. Berjalan-jalan santai 10-30 menit
10. Batasi aktifitas
11. Jangan terlalu serius dalam suatu hal dan mengabaikan yang lain
12. Jangan habiskan energi dengan bergosip
13. Dream more while you areawake.
14. Envy is a waste of time.You already have allyou need.
15. Forget issues of the past.Don't remind your partnerwith his/her mistakes of the
past. That will ruin yourpresent happiness.
16. Life is too short to wastetime hating anyone. Don't hate others.
17. Make peace with your pastso it won't spoil the present.
18. No one is in charge of yourhappiness except you.
19. Smile and laugh more.
20. You don't have to win every argument,Agree to disagree
21. Call your family often.
22. Each day give somethinggood to others.
23. Forgive everyone foreverything..
24. Spend time w/people overthe age of 70 & under the age of 6...
25. Try to make at least threepeople smile each day.
26. What other people think ofyou is none of yourbusiness.
27. Do the right thing!
28. GOD heals everything.
29. However good or bad asituation is, it will change..
30. No matter how you feel, getup, dress up and show up.
31. The best is yet to come..
32. When awake in themorning,thank GOD for it.
33. Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy.
34. Please Forward this to everyone you care about,I just did
Salam best life..